
Thanks to Marcos and Jorge T, we  have a new , beautiful and brightly power point presentation about Social Sciences, introducing the fantastic topic of the Solar System.

It´s a very good way to learn and discover new facts about our planet.

Thank you boys. That´s fantastic.

Well done!!!

6 comentarios:

  1. Chema ha molado mucho la pagina de social sobre los planetas .

  1. Muchas gracias Nicolás. Siempre dando ánimos.
    Pues ya verás el video que vemos mañana sobre la estación internacional espacial, genial.

  1. Que guay Jorge T. y Marcos

    David Diges.

  1. Hellow Chema I would like to share with you and all my partners a Dr. Seuss PDF file of the book called "Oh Say Can You Say What's the weather Today?"

  1. by the way I have got this URL as well where you can find the story readen by an american teacher
    its the second story

  1. Of course Lino, thanks so much!! Bring the file on Monday with you, and lets have a look how nice it is.
    Bye bye

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