
Hello wonderful kids!!

We have just started learning about History in Science time. As you well known, to study the past we use historical sources.

To learn better about an ancient civilization we can find books, documents, newspapers, old tools, search the internet...... but also you can visit a museum or travel in  time if you are able to.

If you want to travel in time with us and play and discover plenty of things about ancient cultures, do not hesitate to click on the following image and ride on this amazing time machine.


Do you want to be famous making films?

If you said yes, click on the following image to create your own movie poster. It is absolutely amazing. Then when you have your poster ready, you can dowload it and print it.

Have fun little cinema lover.

¿Quieres ser un director de cine?

Pues lo mejor es empezar diseñando el cartel de tu peli, haz click en ralph y busca, haz o diseña una foto o imagen que tengas en tu ordenador y crea un poster absolutamente guay, después cuando lo tengas listo, imprímelo y tráelo al cole para que lo pongamos de exposición en la semana cultural.

A pasarlo genial, cinéfilos.

Buenas tardes chic@s:

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¡Que disfrutéis!