
Hello everyone!!

Experiment 3 is ready to you!!

Now, you have to answer some questions and activities you will find on the following power point.

Remember, that Mr Teacherman, really needs your help.

Have a nice Xmas!!!

Best for you, kiddos!!!

En el último tema, hemos repasado lo que son los pronombres y cual es su correcto uso.
Debido a que hemos tenido alguna dificultad, en los siguientes enlaces, descubriréis unos juegos que os ayudarán a comprenderlo mejor.
Mucha suerte y a divertirse.

¡Feliz semana! 

Mr TeacherMan is back in town.

He really needs your help?

Could you do it??


·         TITLE-     The tragical and magical cinema.
·         AUTHOR- José María Jimeno Mena.
·         RECOMMENDED AGE GROUP-      Year six or five.
·         CHARACTERS- Teacher, Paula,Emilio, Juanfran, Laura, Marta, Malus Maliximus.

·         SYNOPSIS.

The whole class of year six are at the cinema cause the teacher has planned an school activity to learn about the Romans, watching a documentary called “The amazing journey of a Roman child”. Something strange is happening at the cinema, that makes the kids travel through the time from current Madrid to the old and ancient Rome.
The bad emperor  Malus Maliximus has kidnapped their teacher, and some of the kids are going to try to rescue him from the evil awful guy.
After some tryouts and challenges the kids will get the teacher back and they will guess some games to know how to come back to the present again and be in Spain nice and safe.

The teacher.
He´s a very good guy, firm but fair. He loves teaching, Arts and Sports.
He´s quite happy with the kids and the kids too, so their aim is learning and having fun.
Malus Maliximus
The empire rises again. Malus wishes to rule the world under his thumb.
He hates teachers, kids, but he loves guessing games, puzzles and riddles.
She is tall, she has blond and long hair. She really likes Science and she is always making experiments and learning new things.
Emilio is short and she has black hair. She is completely mad about sports. He loves basketball, football and volleyball.
Juanfran has glasses and he has red hair. He absolutely like reading and inventing stories about everything.
Laura is the smartest person in the group. She is very skilled and has an impressive deductive mind.
Marta has short and black hair. She loves music and dreams about to be a film director like Spilberg.
Perrus Falderus and two centurions.
Malus Maliximus right hand. He´s always doing what Malus forces him to do.With no special abilities, and not a very bright mind, Perrus Falderus follows Malus cause he has not more things to do.

Class preparation:

Class should be ready to act. There will be eight , boys and girls, who are going to be the characters, one director that needs to help the teacher and the actors, one front of house manager to help the audience and introduce the play and five set designers to draw and create some stuff to the play. The rest of the class will be the audience and they have to act in a different play.


Scene 1: At the cinema
Every character except Malus and Perrus appears on stage and introduce themselves with a brief sentence. They are talking about what kind of documentary they will watch. At the end of it something strange is happening with the screen that makes the kids disappear and travel through the time, Malus and Perrus are on stage laughing and singing cause they have just kidnapped the group .
Scene 2: In Prison  in the Emperor´s  palace(Malus, Perrus and the teacher)
Malus is trying to convince the teacher to forget every single knowledge he has and join him in the crusade to conquer and rule the world. At the end of the scene, Perrus goes to keep an eye on the kids and their cells.

Scene 3: In Prison in Augustus temple (the group of students)
 The kids are all in the same cell in prison and they are unhappy. They don´t know where the teacher is and they seem very worried about that. They think of making a plan to escape. They have a beautiful idea to escape from this cell.  
Two centurions are in front of the jail talking about  Cristianus and Leus , some famous gladiators.At the end of scene 3 Perrus comes to the temple and suddenly loses the jail keys and the kids could escape from there.

Scene 4: In the streets of Rome (just the group of kids)
The kids are running through the ancient streets of Rome. Perrus and the centurions are chasing after them. They realize that the teacher is locked in Malus´ palace. They must think of a plan. They decide to be divided in two groups.
At the end of the scene we can see Perrus and the centurions trying to catch the children.

Scene 5: The Roman Baths ( Paula, Juanfran and Marta)
The kids are in the public baths of Rome. They need to get rid of  Perrus and  the centurions. Using their skills and abilities they have a brilliant idea. Why if we use science to impress these “Roman beasts” and save our teacher.

Scene 6: Hiding in a room in the Colosseum. (Laura and Emilio).
Laura and Emilio are  in the Colosseum designing a plan to rescue the teacher, they are in the crowd cause today is a “games day”. The people  wants to see their Champs and the Emperor´s has a very important thing to announce in front of the Roman citizens.
(Malus is taking the teacher to the  Colosseum to show him as a trophy)

Scene 6: In the Colosseum (the guessing game)
The kids are all together again. They have decided to challenge Malus to a guessing game in front of all Rome. If they win they could rescue the teacher and get back the schools, if not the will be slaves in Rome and the will make Malus´homework.

Scene 7: Going back in time. (at the cinema again)

After beating Malus and their  acolytes, (with no violence, using their brains) Malus will be a different governor and he will help the kids and the teacher to get back home. They could travel if  they push one tile in a mosaic that has an image of a cinema. (they say goodbye to everyone in Rome)

At the end of the stage they will be at the cinema laughing and singing (A happy song is singing ) Play it loud!!!!

¡Hola niños!

Hoy quiero compartir con vosotros este concurso que están haciendo en Quijote 360, por si os apetece participar con un fantástico relato. Podéis mandar vuestros cuentos (y un dibujo también si queréis) y serán seleccionados para confeccionar un "Libro solidario". Parte de los beneficios de este libro irán destinados a la ONG "Payasos sin fronteras", así que con vuestras palabras podéis contribuir a ayudar a otros niños del planeta. Vamos, ¡sacad punta a vuestros lápices de la imaginación!

¡Ah! Y si vuestro relato es seleccionado recibiréis un ejemplar del libro, ¡claro!

Click on the following image to know the results of the
FLOWER POWER experiment.

Hello kids!

How are you this beautiful day?

Let´s remember that making yourself understood is highly important when you are trying to talk to someone else.

So, in order to practise and improve your oral skills you can use this fantastic presentation to review useful sentences that can be used in the English, Arts and Science classes.

Buenas tardes, chicas y chicos de 6ºA:

En el próximo enlace y haciendo click en la imagen a continuación, encontraréis una serie de actividades, juegos y páginas web que os ayudaran a entender mejor los contenidos de este curso de Lengua.

Haciendo click donde pone Math, nos ayudaremos de los recursos allí alojados para comprender mejor, estudiar, practicar para así aprender lo propuesto para Mate.

Un saludo muy grande.

How many points do you have to win to beat your teacher?

I challenge everyone of you.

Buenas tardes chic@s:

Si queréis consultar vuestro horario online o por si no os ha dado tiempo a copiarlo en clase, aquí está para que no haya ninguna duda.
Recordemos que las clases de una hora empezarán en octubre, de momento contaremos con 4o minutos de cada clase.

Si os apetece diseñar un horario tan chulo como este, sólo tenéis que hacer click en el siguiente enlace y diseñar la plantilla que mejor se adapte a tí.

Y si te apetece colorear online, prueba con el siguiente enlace a ver si te divierte.

Un saludo a tod@s.









If you click on the tiger, you can fin plenty of fun things about animals. Have fun!!

Hello again kids!!!

We have some news into this excellente blog:

First of all, if you click on the following picture and inside Citizenship, you will discover a wonderful online tool to desing your own flag as in our class. Remember we have to finish our citizenship project about your country, so you can print this flag and stick it into your notebook if you want to.

Secondly, we have here the new power point about history, do not forget to study this and your book and notebook to be ready to the exam. Go for it!!!! Cheer up!!!!

¿Quieres repasar los polígonos antes de la evaluación del tema?

Pues haz click en la siguiente foto.

Un saludo!!!!

Ahhhh y si quieres saber como dibujar un polígono tan bonito como el de la foto de abajo. Haz click en el siguiente enlace!!!

Buenas tardes chicos y chicas!!!

Vamos a comprobar, si con los juegos que tenemos a continuación, nos cuesta menos reconocer las clases de palabras existentes, para poder realizar lo mejor posibles los análisis morfológicos de las frases que se propongan.

En primer lugar encontramos un juego muy interesante, es preciso leer la teoría antes, para realizar las actividades después, ¡a ver cuantas te sabes!  SUERTE Y ÁNIMO.

En segundo lugar, puedes encontrar una interesante página donde podremos aprender las diferentes clases de palabras y jugaremos, en la parte izquierda de la página, para saber si lo hemos entendido bien.

Haz click en el amigo oso, diviértete y aprende un montón.

Saludos Peludos.

>Hello kids!!

You all know, we have to make a power point presentation about History to the subject of Science.
It could be about any particular topic we have studied in the school. About Roman architecture, Neolithic, Egyptian Art, Medieval Ages, Celts.... and you can do it individually, in pairs or threes.

But, if you want to be helped with some tips about Power Point, have a look on the following link. It could also be very interesting to your daddy or mummy, for working, or your older brother or sister to University or high school.

So, let´s have a look on the information, and you can discover some tips that can help you creating your beautiful project.

Of course, if you have any question to me about it, do not hesitate to contact your teacher.

Have a nice day!
Make click on the link

Vísita las siguientes páginas web y aprende, haciendo click en las fotografías que aparecen a continuación.

Hello wonderful kids!!

We have just started learning about History in Science time. As you well known, to study the past we use historical sources.

To learn better about an ancient civilization we can find books, documents, newspapers, old tools, search the internet...... but also you can visit a museum or travel in  time if you are able to.

If you want to travel in time with us and play and discover plenty of things about ancient cultures, do not hesitate to click on the following image and ride on this amazing time machine.


Do you want to be famous making films?

If you said yes, click on the following image to create your own movie poster. It is absolutely amazing. Then when you have your poster ready, you can dowload it and print it.

Have fun little cinema lover.

¿Quieres ser un director de cine?

Pues lo mejor es empezar diseñando el cartel de tu peli, haz click en ralph y busca, haz o diseña una foto o imagen que tengas en tu ordenador y crea un poster absolutamente guay, después cuando lo tengas listo, imprímelo y tráelo al cole para que lo pongamos de exposición en la semana cultural.

A pasarlo genial, cinéfilos.

Buenas tardes chic@s:

 Podemos repasar la unidad de Matemáticas, haciendo uso de el siguiente link

¡Que disfrutéis!

Do you want to learn how to pronounce a word in English?

 Are you happy playing games and learning English at the same time?

 If you have said yes, you are invited to discover the amazing world of the sounds of the English language.

 Click on the picture below, and find how easy is learning English by playing online games.

 Why don’t you have a look at Cambridge English Online and try these online resources to improve your pronunciation and knowledge of phonetics.

Have fun pal!


Hola chic@s, ¿qué tal? 

Esta mañana en Mate, hemos iniciado el tema de la medida del tiempo. En la ilustración de la unidad aparecía una de las mejores ciudades del planeta, Londres, junto a su emblemático monumento del Big Ben. Si os habéis quedado con ganas de mas, os invito a recorrer en barca virtual el rio Támesis. Nuestro recorrido se iniciará al lado del London eye y nos dejará allá donde cada uno considere oportuno. Así que....preparen su equipaje.
(Sólo tienes que hacer click para subir)


Pd- En la parte de la derecha, bajo el título "English is Fun" he incluido dos enlaces muy interesantes para mejorar vuestro Inglés Uno sobre como mejorar un speech (presentación oral) y otro para aprender idioms (frases hechas). Besotes.,-0.121597,3a,75y,358.27h,85.44t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sIUxeM-vVVXuyCGlMTj-39Q!2e0!3e5!4m2!3m1!1s0x47d8a00baf21de75:0x52963a5addd52a99P

¿En qué se mide el salto de longitud en las Olimpiadas? ¿Quíen es el actual recordman olímpico? ¿Y quién tiene el record en España? ¿Serás tú el nuevo chico o chica que consiga obtener el record? De momento, y hasta que entrenes en una pista de atletismo, puedes entrenar con tus dedos y un teclado para demostrar quién salta mas en tu clase.

 Mucha suerte y a por el oro.

Let´s learn, discover and have fun with this new presentation about your body.

Hello again, scientific boys and girls.

Here we are again to continue learning a lot about our favourite topics.

This month of  January we have been working learnig about the digestive system and the Nutrition process.
We have work and discover new things about this process and also with BODY, our non-real partner in the school.

If you want to study and practice for the exam, do not lose the oportunity to click on the Science power point, Unit (3, 3A) and make a review that we have just learned at classroom.

Have a nice day.

See you soon.